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YGO > 版本 > 革命性网络龙结构卡组

Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck icon
姓名 革命性网络龙结构卡组
图案 Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck
类型 Block
已发布 06/02/14
项目总数 20


The Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG introduces players to a futuristic world where powerful Cyber Dragon monsters dominate the battlefield. The lore behind this set revolves around the Cyber Dragon archetype, a group of machine-type monsters that can quickly swarm the field and overwhelm opponents with their technological prowess. With the ability to fuse, swarm, and special summon with ease, the Cyber Dragon deck relies on quick, aggressive plays and strategic combos to outwit and defeat opponents. This deck focuses on summoning big monsters like Cyber End Dragon and Cyber Twin Dragon to deliver devastating attacks, while also offering support cards to protect and enhance the Cyber Dragon strategy. Trainers who enjoy fast-paced gameplay and mastering intricate combos will find the Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck a thrilling and challenging addition to their Yu-Gi-Oh collection. 在游戏王TCG中,网络龙革命组卡坞的系统卡片将玩家带入了一个充满强悍网络龙怪兽的未来世界。这套组卡的传说围绕着网络龙卡组展开,这是一个由机械怪兽组成的卡组,它们可以迅速占领战场,并以其先进的科技实力压倒对手。网络龙卡组具有轻松融合、疾速集结和特殊召唤的能力,依靠快速、强攻的打法和策略性的连携来智胜对手。这套卡组专注于召唤像网络终结龙和网络双生龙这样的大型怪兽,以造成毁灭性的攻击,并提供支援卡片来保护和增强网络龙战略。喜欢快节奏游戏并精通复杂连携的训练师将会发现网络龙革命组卡坞的系统卡片是游戏王收藏中令人兴奋且具有挑战性的补充。

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