Crossover Breakers is the newest Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG set; it will be available from December 5th onward. This set will introduce three new archetypes to the game: Ryzeal, Maliss, and Ryu-Ge. Furthermore, it will bring us some reprints that can be used with these new strategies.
In this article, we'll discuss the main cards from Crossover Breakers!
Main Cards from Crossover Breakers
Ryzeal focuses on xyz-summons, Thunder monsters with the Fire attribute, and Pyro monsters with the Light attribute. Its game style centers around interactions that destroy your opponent's cards, but its main weapon is definitely how easily it can access various class 4 xyz monsters. It makes this deck incredibly versatile.

Sword Ryzeal, Ice Ryzeal, and Ext Ryzeal make this archetype consistent and resilient. They're all 1-card combo starters as well as extenders. Node Ryzeal is less efficient than the monsters in the main deck because it can't play alone, but it is still a great extender.

Ryzeal Duo Drive is this archetype's main card searcher, and can give you up to two cards at once. As for Ryzeal Detonator, it is this strategy's boss monster; its quick effect can destroy countless cards in a single turn.

Ryzeal Cross is a very interesting interaction, considering that, with it, you'll be able to spread your interactions and protect yourself from handtraps. As for Ryzeal Plugin, it is an extender that can be a good follow-up, both because it puts another body on the board and because it returns a material to one of your xyz monsters.
Ryzeal Plasma Hole includes an interaction effect that lets you destroy face-up cards on the board, and an extra effect while it is in your graveyard. You can use this extra effect to "protect" one of your monsters from a target interaction, for instance.
Reprints Compatible with the Ryzeal Archetype

Maliss focuses on link-summons, and Cyberse monsters with the Dark attribute. The name "Maliss" is the combination of "malice" (referring to malicious malware), and "Alice", Lewis Carroll's main character in Alice's Adventures.
Its game style centers around spamming monsters on the board by special summoning them from the banished zone. This will make your link monsters stronger, as your pawns (the monsters in your main deck) will support your queens (link monsters) with extra effects.

Maliss P Dormouse and Maliss P White Rabbit are this deck's main starters, and stand out because they're "immune" to Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring.
As for Maliss P Chessy Cat, it is just a combo piece, but its effect is interesting, as it draws you 2 cards. Each Maliss monster grants your other Maliss link monsters extra effects when they're pointing at them: "Dormouse" (protection against destruction by effect); "White Rabbit" (protection against combat damage); and "Chessy Cat" (monsters destroyed by battle are banished).
Furthermore, all Maliss monsters in the main deck share an effect: they let you pay 300 HP to special summon them if they're banished.

Maliss Q Red Ransom is this archetype's spell searcher; its effect swaps the ATK and DEF of your opponent's monsters when it is pointing at a monster. Maliss Q White Binder is an interaction and follow-up because of its effect, considering that, with it, you can banish up to 3 cards in any graveyard and also play a Maliss trap from your deck or graveyard.
Maliss Q Hearts Crypter is this archetype's boss monster; its quick effect recycles banished Maliss cards and, at the same time, interacts with your opponents, as it lets you banish one of their cards in play. Furthermore, if it is linked, this effect and its activation can't be negated.
Just like the monsters in the main deck, Maliss monsters in the extra deck share an effect: you can special summon them if they're banished, but you'll need to pay 900 LP first. And, when you activate this effect, you'll double the ATK of your boss monster, Maliss Q Hearts Crypter.

You can use Maliss in Underground, the field spell, both as a starter and as an extender, and its second effect makes an OTK quite easy. As for this archetype's traps, they share an effect that lets you activate them on the turn you put them in play, as long as you banish 1 Maliss monster in play. Maliss C TB-11 makes this archetype consistent, as its effect summons 1 Maliss monster straight from your deck.
Maliss C GWC-06 is an extender that returns any LP you lost as you played your combo. And Maliss C MTP-07 is, at the same time, a ROTA and an interaction card; its effect lets you banish one enemy card.
Reprints Compatible with the Maliss Archetype

Ryu-Ge focuses on monsters with multiple types and attributes: Dinosaur/Earth; Sea Serpent/Water; Wyrm/Wind; and Dragon/Light. It also focuses on summoning level 10 monsters and their respective continuous spells so you can buff them and put its boss monster in play.

Ryu-Ge monsters were designed to interact with a few critical Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG game styles that are, in turn, linked to certain monster types:
Kyoro Ryu-Ge Kaiva, a Dinosaur monster, interacts with card destruction. To summon it from your hand and interact with your opponent, other cards need to be destroyed first. You can also play it with other Dinosaur monsters that need to be destroyed to trigger their effects.
To use Kairo Ryu-Ge Emva, a Sea Serpent monster, you need to send cards from your hand or board to the graveyard; this is the only way you can summon it from your hand directly. As for its interaction effect, it lets you banish your opponent's entire hand.
Both of these effects make this card great in Mermail and Atlatean, classic archetypes that feature Sea Serpent monsters. Genro Ryu-Ge Hakva, a Wyrm monster, is great when you banish cards, so it has synergy with the Metaphys, Tenyi, and Swordsoul archetypes.
Sosei Ryu-Ge Mistva is this strategy's boss monster, but, despite that, it doesn't have an interaction effect of its own - only its continuous spells do. It works as a ROTA for this archetype, and, when you summon it, it lets you activate your continuous spells straight from your deck. Furthermore, it doesn't interact with a Dragon theme, like the other monsters - it still fits Voiceless Voice incredibly well, though.

As we mentioned before, this archetype's continuous spells grant effects to a few certain Ryu-Ge monsters or your boss monster: Ryu-Ge Realm - Dino Domains gives a monster negation effect to a Dinosaur Ryu-Ge. Ryu-Ge Realm - Sea Spires lets a Sea Serpent Ryu-Ge return 1 card to your hand, and Ryu-Ge Realm - Wyrm Winds lets a Wyrm Ryu-Ge reduce the ATK of a monster in play to 0.
Furthermore, each of them also has a continuous effect as long as they're active: Ryu-Ge Realm - Dino Domains increases the ATK of Ryu-Ge monsters by 300 points; Ryu-Ge Realm - Sea Spires protects Ryu-Ge monsters against destruction by battle, and Ryu-Ge Realm - Wyrm Winds banishes all monsters that you send to the graveyard from the board during your opponent's turn.

Ryu-Ge War Zone is most likely the best card in this archetype, considering it accelerates its game plan a lot. After all, it can add to your hand, send to your graveyard from your deck, and banish from your deck 1 Dinosaur, Sea Serpent, and Wyrm card - and this is just one effect. There's more: if Sosei Ryu-Ge Mistva, your boss-monster, is face up in your extra deck, you can put in play the monsters you just added to your hand, sent to your graveyard, and banished.
Ryu-Ge Rising makes this deck more consistent. Besides being a ROTA, it can also summon monsters directly from your deck. Ryu-Ge Rivalry is the only trap in this deck so far, and isn't an interaction on its own, considering its effect summons a Ryu-Ge monster from your hand, deck, or graveyard. Nonetheless, it is a way to interact with your monsters on your opponent's turn.
Reprints Compatible with the Ryu-Ge Archetype

Final Words
What about you? What did you think of these new Crossover Breakers archetypes? Which one was your favorite? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.
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