Equipment spells are the most common types of equipment cards, but they can also be traps or monsters. You can equip them to a face-up target monster on the board, and their effects will apply to that monster for as long as it is equipped.

This mechanic was inspired by RPG games: in many of these types of games, you can equip items on your character (in Yu-Gi-Oh!, monsters) to improve their performance in battles. Naturally, as Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG drifted quite far from its battle phase, these cards have not kept up with the game's power creep. Nowadays, they're more popular in retro formats or in specific decks that can get the most out of them.
So, let's see the best equipment spells in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG!
Top 10 Best Equipment Spells in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
10 - Rod of Silence - Kay'est
Rod of Silence - Kay'est is a completely defensive equipment spell. It gives the monster it is equipped with extra DEF points, negates other spell effects that target that monster, and destroys that spell.
This card is great against the main board breakers that take control over enemy monsters, like Change of Heart and Mind Control.

9 - Wonder Wand
Wonder Wand can only be equipped to a Spellcaster monster (which you can get from your extra deck), but it can easily draw you 2 cards, so it adds consistency to any deck you add it to.

8 - Cursed Bamboo Sword
Cursed Bamboo Sword is one of the most crucial cards in the mini archetype "Bamboo Sword". It either gives it more consistency or lets you attack your opponent's life points directly with one of your monsters.

7 - Megamorph
Megamorph is a classic and quite famous card because it was popularly used by Seto Kaiba. It's mostly used to surprise your opponent by applying as much damage as you can (and ending the game, if possible) while you have less HP than them. This way, you can still win a game you thought was lost.

6 - United We Stand
United We Stand is relatively important for the history of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, as it has been quite powerful in past formats for greatly increasing one of your monster's ATK points. However, because past formats were also largely slower than modern ones, this card was better a few turns after the game started, when you had more monsters on your board.

5 - Mage Power
Mage Power has also been relevant historically, and was even more significant than the card above, despite giving less ATK to the monster it is equipped to. That's because, at the time, putting several cards in your backrow was way easier than spamming monsters.

4 - Living Fossil
Living Fossil works as a sort of Monster Reborn. It is obviously weaker, but still useful. Even though the target monster you summon with it will have less ATK points and its effects will be negated, returning a body to your board is excellent, and makes this a great card.

3 - D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation also resembles Monster Reborn, but, instead of summoning a monster from your graveyard, it recycles one of your banished monsters by summoning it.

2 - Moon Mirror Shield
Moon Mirror Shield is quite common in Stun decks, as its effect basically makes the equipped monster indestructible in battle. Furthermore, you can easily recycle it, and return it to the top of your deck.

1 - Snatch Steal
Our first place goes to Snatch Steal, an unusual equipment spell compared to the others in this list, considering its effect makes it a board breaker. As a result, this card was incredibly relevant competitively and spent a few years banned.

Final Words
Do you agree with our list? Do you use any of these cards in your decks? Tell us in our comment section below!
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