Fallen of Albaz was the main character of one of the most recent Yu-Gi-Oh stories. This part of the lore involved a great variety of archetypes, like Branded, Bystial, Despia, Dogmatika, Ice Jade, Spright, Springans, Swordsoul, Therion, and Tri-Brigade.
Because of how popular this story is, KONAMI Animation created a video for it in celebration of Yu-Gi-Oh!TCG's 25th Anniversary. Since then, many fans have asked for an anime series focusing on it, but, so far, KONAMI hasn't answered their wishes.
Check out below the 10 best cards from Fallen of Albaz' lore in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG!
Best Cards from the Lore of Fallen of Albaz!
10 - Fallen of Albaz
Fallen of Albaz himself opens our list. He, who is the main character in this story, despite being a "garnet", is still quite useful when you're going second, as his effect makes him a true board breaker.

9 - Dogmatika Punishment
Dogmatika Punishment is a very versatile threat, considering that, besides destroying an enemy monster, ideally, you'll use specific "targets" in your extra deck precisely for this card. These "targets" have effects when you send them to the graveyard, like, for instance, Garura, Wings of Resonant Life, Elder Entity N'tss, and Mereologic Aggregator.

8 - Therion "King" Regulus
Therion "King" Regulus has one of the strongest effects in the entire game: an omninegate. Despite incredibly strong, this card isn't as generic as you'd like to be popular in many decks. Instead, it is limited to the strategies that use Machine monsters or the Therion archetype as an engine.

7 - Gigantic Spright
Gigantic Spright is an outstanding card, and is fundamental to make Spright consistent as well as versatile, considering it can access any level 2 monster in the game. Furthermore, with its effect, you can play around many relevant handtraps in the game, like Nibiru, the Primal Being and Bystials in general. After all, after its effect resolves, both players will only be able to special summon level/class/link 2 monsters. Another important detail is that you can use link 2 monsters to summon it, which means putting it in play is even easier than usual.

6 - Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying is a tower that has 3 very interesting effects. The first one buffs its own ATK and nerfs the enemy monsters' ATK by 100 points for each card that was banished in the match. Its second effect protects you against destruction through card effects if you banish a card from your graveyard instead. When you use this protection effect, you'll trigger the third effect; you'll get to banish a card from the enemy board and another from the enemy graveyard.

5 - Bystial Dis Pater
Bystial Dis Pater is another powerful Synchro monster that has 3 effects. As interaction, "Dis Pater" can be a negate or destroy your opponent's monsters. Furthermore, it can also be an extender, as it can summon any banished Light or Dark monsters.

4 - Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon
Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon is Branded's boss monster, and is a great interaction, as it lets you banish one monster from the board without targeting it. What makes this effect even stronger is that, to activate it, you'll only need to send a Fusion monster from your extra deck to your graveyard. This will help you get ahead, considering you can pick a utility monster from your graveyard. Furthermore, one of "Mirrorjade"'s effects destroys all enemy monsters in the end phase of the turn your opponent removed it from the board, which makes it very difficult to face.

3 - Nadir Servant
Nadir Servant is similar to Dogmatika Punishment, considering you can also use it to send specific "targets" on your extra deck to your graveyard, which makes this card more than just one interaction. Furthermore, it is a searcher for Dogmatika monsters, an engine that, despite old, works really well, particularly in control decks.

2 - Branded Fusion
Despite limited, Branded Fusion is still the most relevant card in the Branded archetype, which now relies even more on its effect. Besides being a central card in its archetype, this card has synergy with many other strategies, and was considering the best fusion spell for years.

1 - Bystial Magnamhut & Bystial Druiswurm
Our first place is occupied by these two Bystials: Bystial Magnamhut and Bystial Druiswurm. What made us pick these cards as the best cards from Fallen of Albaz' lore are their effects, which let us summon them if we banish a Light or Dark monster from any graveyard. Because of this shared effect, these Bystials are very relevant handtraps in the current format, which is strongly dominated by Fiendsmith.
Furthermore, we picked "Magnamhut" and "Druiswurm" out of all the other Bystials because of their extra effects. "Magnamhut" gets you any Dragon monster, and "Druiswurm" is an interaction when it is sent to the graveyard from the board: it lets you send an enemy monster to their graveyard.

Final Words
Do you agree with our picks? Do you use any of these cards in your decks? Tell us in our comment section below!
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