The last extra deck monsters to be released were link monsters, which were released to the game to make it slower, but, in practice, ended up making it faster. Link monsters became popular after the Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS anime series started airing on May 10th, 2017, and have become critical in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG in general ever since.
Currently, link monsters are popular in the metagame, as they are responsible for the dominance of the Snake-Eye archetype, which uses the most varied generic link monsters in the game really well.
Check out below our top 10 link monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
Top 10 Best Link Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
10 - Linkuriboh
Linkuriboh is one of the most popular cards in this format, and it is used both by Snake-Eye variants and Voiceless Voice, the main counter deck in the meta.
Besides its effect when it is in the graveyard, which is incredibly useful in certain situations, Linkuriboh is essential in Fire decks' initial combo, and many believe it might be one of the cards in the next banlist.

9 - Knightmare Phoenix
Knightmare Phoenix is a simple, efficient card, and has had a guaranteed spot in the extra deck of the most varied strategies for years and years. It is quite useful because it deals with cards in your opponent's backrow, and it is a good out for floodgates.

8 - Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians is also popular in the current format because, through its effect, we can summon Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess (which allows us to control the game with its negates) or Accesscode Talker (which can finish games incredibly easily).

7 - Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess is an excellent card, but it spent a few formats away from the metagame. Currently, it returned to the peak of the competitive scene, and only occupies our 7th place because cards like Triple Tactics Talent, which is a good out for it, are popular.

6 - Accesscode Talker
Accesscode Talker is practically a "killing machine". On its own, it can be considered the best game finisher in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, as, besides having a lot of ATK, it can destroy several cards so it can then attack your opponent's life points directly. And, considering the meta is once again abusing link monsters, it became popular again in the most competitive decks.

5 - Worldsea Dragon Zealantis
Worldsea Dragon Zealantis is another excellent game finisher, which, despite being quite strong, has only started seeing play in the metagame in this format. On a 1-to-1 standalone with Accesscode Talker, "Zealantis" would be less efficient, but currently this card is popular with Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames and Salamangreat Raging Phoenix, and, this way, it guarantees players a stronger OTK combo.

4 - I:P Masquerena
I:P Masquerena is a support card, which means, it doesn't interact on its own, but, through its effect, we can summon another monster which will interact during our opponent's turn. If we consider this monster is usually S:P Little Knight, "Masquerena" gets a lot better.
Another plus side to "Masquerena" is that, besides link-summoning a monster on your opponent's turn, it protects the monster you summoned from being destroyed by an effect, which can be quite useful.

3 - Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
Due to how popular Fire decks are in the metagame, Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze has become more relevant than ever. Besides guaranteeing the player's follow-up when it is destroyed, there are several relevant monsters to "steal" from your opponent's graveyard in the current metagame.

Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy
Besides "Hiita", I would like to give an honorable mention to Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy, which is usually the most relevant "Charmer" in the game. Unfortunately, this card lost its post in the current metagame because of how dominant Fire decks are right now.

2 - S:P Little Knight
S:P Little Knight is definitely one of the most relevant cards nowadays, considering it is used by any and every deck that can link-summon something, but it stands out more in the Fire decks that currently dominate the format. Its effect, which bans one 1 card when it is summoned and usually happens through I:P Masquerena's effect, is strong enough to make it meta-defining nowadays; decks that can't deal with it can't see any play in a competitive setting.
Additionally, its second effect is quite versatile, considering we can use to remove resources from our opponent's boards, or to "protect" our monsters from effects.

1 - Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
In a format full of Fire monsters and decks, Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, a card that supports this attribute directly, is certainly the most relevant card in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
This is because "Promethean Princess" plays several roles in the current meta strategy: it is the main piece in the starting combo that Snake-Eye variants play, it interacts during your opponent's turn, it is a follow-up play in the grindy game, and, additionally, it is essential in the Worldsea Dragon Zealantis OTK combo.

Final Words
Do you agree with our list? Do you use any of these cards in your decks? Tell us in the comment section.
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