Yu-Gi-Oh TCG


Rare $2,000,000 Yu-Gi-Oh! card is raffled to 3000 lucky players

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For the Yu-Gi-Oh! 25th Anniversary, a rare raffle will give players a shot at getting a copy of a rumored $2 million card from the past.

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After the 25th Anniversary Collectionlink outside website, World Championshiplink outside website and the Seto Kaiba briefcaselink outside website announcements, the next commemorative move for Yu-Gi-Oh!'s biggest year in the making is the reprint of a rare card rumored to have sold for $2 million in the past.


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This card, called Black Luster Soldier, was given out back in 1999 as a tournament prize card, and it was printed on stainless steel. It is rumored to be one of the most expensive Yu-Gi-Oh! cards ever sold, as reports state that a copy of this card was sold for $2 million back in the day.

Now, 3000 copies of this card will be raffled to lucky players through a special promotion. In a lottery, from June 10th onwards, anyone who spends $21.46 on Yu-Gi-Oh! products in selected stores will be given scratch cards, which in turn will have serial codes that may lead them to the rare card. This promotion will happen in Japan only, to the dismay and sadness of all of us living anywhere else.

These cards may eventually hit the online market if anyone who gets it wishes to sell it, so we may be seeing another Yu-Gi-Oh! sale breaking the records. The most recent card which was sold for absurd amounts this year was the iconic Tyler, the Warriorlink outside website card, which was sold earlier in April.